For further reading on the content we create, please see our sources below! Hostile Architecture: https://youtu.be/WeyLEe1T0yo Shelter Zoning: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/zoning . https://mrsc.org/Home/Stay-Informed/MRSC-Insight/June-2021/Changing-Your-Zoning- Code-for-Homeless-Housing.aspx Healthcare and Homelessness: https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/E/2019/eb-homelessness-health.pdf https://www.homelesshub.ca/about-homelessness/service-provision/public-health-care-service-delivery Poverty and Shame: https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-018-5210-6 https://oxford.universitypressscholarship.com/view/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199684823.001.0001/acprof-9780199684823-chapter-4
Who is TRUth? We are a group of university students dedicated to bringing you first-hand, curated stories that are relevant to you today. Come meet the team!
In this week’s episode Kim and Reesha discuss the recent events happening in BC. As well as, the extreme abnormal weather patterns and how climate change is a major factor.
By Reesha Aspinall-Brown
The global earth’s current temperature on average is warmer by 1.8 degrees celsius. 1.8 degrees higher does not seem like a significant change however, global weather patterns have shifted immensely leaving thousands at risk every year. WildFires and Climate Change Wildfires have intensified over the past few years especially in the Western areas of the Read More …
A raging fire pictured above in Kamloops BC had residents concerned as the fire was 45 minutes close to town at a nearby ski hill, Sun Peaks and the Whitecroft Valley. Putting residents on evacuation alert as well as, residents of Heffley Lake. However, this was not the only local fire close to Kamloops in Read More …
Here in Kamloops, there’s a variety of social services that cater to those experiencing poverty and homelessness. These facilities form a support network that ranges from housing to shelters, food, employment and legal services, and much more. While much conversation is afforded to the challenge of coordinating service delivery and who should be doing what, Read More …
Everyone at some point in their lives has the ubiquitous experience of waiting for long hours in an emergency room, waiting to be seen by a doctor. Here in Kamloops at Royal Inland Hospital, that can mean up to eight hours of sitting and waiting. Most people haven’t considered how difficult it could be to Read More …
In 2014, a video on catcalling made international news as a woman in New York filmed the frequency in which she was catcalled in a 10 hour period. In 2017 the hashtag #MeToo went viral as a Hollywood scandal revealed just how many women shared the same experience. In 2018 the advocacy group Times Up Read More …
Have you ever noticed that the homeless population is all in one place in your city? Maybe all the shelters and social services are there too? This week we discuss why that might be the case, and how municipalities benefit from segregating the homeless.
In many cities today, it’s prevalent to see public benches sectioned by armrests or concrete ledges with spikes on them. They are so common that we may completely ignore them as we walk by them. However, to people experiencing homelessness, these pieces of hostile architecture can mean the difference between having a safe and comfortable Read More …